Pregnancy Sleep Guide
Sleep is incredibly important for our physical and emotional health. The goal is 7-8 hrs of sleep at night.
The Placenta: Development, Functions, and Potential Complications
The placenta is truly amazing. It is an entire organ built to sustain your baby during pregnancy.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy & Postpartum: Symptoms & Management
Symptoms of CTS occur most often during the third trimester of pregnancy. If you are plagued by the burning sensation in your wrists…
Atopic Eruption of Pregnancy: Symptoms & Management
Atopic eruption of pregnancy (AEP) is one of the most common pregnancy skin disorders.
PUPPPs: Itchy Rash in Pregnancy
A benign inflammatory disorder that develops in the last few weeks of pregnancy or immediately postpartum.
Braxton Hicks: What You Should Know About “False” Labor Contractions
“Don’t worry, you’ll know when you are in labor!” seems like a pretty unhelpful statement when it’s your first pregnancy. Even seasoned pregnant people can experience different signs and symptoms of labor for each pregnancy. Braxton hicks contractions are false labor contractions that your body does as a way to “practice” for the big event.…
Round Ligament Pain: What Does it Feel Like?
The round ligaments are two bands of supportive tissue that run from the lateral aspects of your uterus, out through your pelvis, and to your groin region. When these ligaments are stretched it can feel like a sharp stabbing or stretching pain, sometimes shooting down to your groin. You may experience this jolt of pain…
Hemorrhoid: Treatment & Prevention
Hemorrhoids are particularly unpleasant dilated veins that develop in or around the anus and rectum. These uncomfortable veins are caused by the weight of your uterus as well as the relaxation of blood vessel walls secondary to pregnancy hormones. Pregnant people often experience hemorrhoids towards the end of pregnancy. They can be exacerbated by delivery…
Back Pain in Pregnancy: What Can You Do About It?
Is there any surprise that many people report experiencing back pain throughout pregnancy? The weight gain, shift in center of gravity, and increased hormones all contribute to musculoskeletal changes. While the hormone relaxin plays a key role in the growth of the placenta and the relaxation of the cervix and pubic symphysis for birth, it…
Nosebleeds in Pregnancy: Is it normal?
Nosebleeds during pregnancy are fairly common and most stop quickly with pressure. While unexpected nosebleeds can be unsettling, there is a fairly simple explanation. Pregnancy hormones lead to an increase in blood in the nasal mucosa (the tissue that lines your nasal passage). Something as small as blowing your nose or dry air can cause…