Are Massages Safe in Pregnancy: What you should know
First off, let’s address the myth surrounding massages in the first trimester. Contrary to popular belief , there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that massages increase the risk of miscarriage during the first trimester. This misconception likely stems from a general fear of pregnancy loss, but rest assured, getting a massage early on poses no…
Exercise in Pregnancy: Do’s and Don’ts
Regular exercise, in most cases, is not only safe during pregnancy but actually encouraged. Barring any known complications or high risk pregnancies and after receiving the OK from your Ob provider, it is safe to resume physical activity at the same fitness level you were at before your pregnancy. If you haven’t been that active…
Cleaning Cat Litter While Pregnant
Cats and their feces may carry a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. While it’s rare to get toxoplasmosis from your cat, you should avoid changing cat litter during pregnancy, or wear gloves and wash your hands right after! What is toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is in an infection caused by the parasite, toxoplasma gondii. While pregnant people often…
Breastfeeding While Pregnant: Benefits & Challenges
It is almost always safe to breastfeed while pregnant, and to nurse a newborn and older child at the same time (called tandem nursing). In certain high-risk pregnancies, your provider may recommend weaning. If you feel your provider has recommended weaning without cause, reach out to another Ob provider (or Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist) for…
Sleep Position in Pregnancy
Can I lay on my back in pregnancy? Lying on your back late in pregnancy can decrease cardiac output and the delivery of blood to the uterus due to compression of the body’s major blood vessels (the aorta and the vena cava) by the pregnant uterus. There is some data from case-control studies that lying…
Travel During Pregnancy: What to Expect
Overall, it is safe to travel during pregnancy. The best time of pregnancy to travel is in your second trimester (14-28 weeks), because you usually feel your best and the risk of complications is lower! You can travel by plane, car or ship. In terms of air travel, many airlines do not allow passengers over…
Hot Baths While Pregnant
Because of the recommendation to avoid hot tubs and saunas, especially in the first trimester, many pregnant people wonder about hot baths at home. The risk of hot tubs and saunas is related to the increase in core body temperature. In the first trimester, a body temperature over 101 F or 38.3 C has been…
Hot Tubs & Saunas While Pregnant
It is best to avoid a hot tub or sauna in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, as use has been associated with miscarriage and neural tube defects. After the first trimester, it may be reasonable to spend short periods of time (10 minutes) in a hot tub or sauna. In general, it is important…
Manicures & Pedicures in Pregnancy
There is no data to show that having a manicure or a pedicure poses any risk in pregnancy. The same goes for gel manicures, acrylic nails, and tips. While some absorption can occur through the nail bed, it is minimal and not expected to have any impact on fetal development. Just like when you are…